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Property Investors and SMEs: It’s never too late to build upon your social media

I love getting out and about; networking, meetings or conferencing – there’s no better way to meet people in our industry. At a recent conference, I was asked to do a talk on social media and how it had impacted my own business and career. Every day the world seems to get a little more digital, and so small business owners and property investors like me are thinking more about how they optimise their presence on social media. Goes without saying, some might resist this change, with concerns about privacy and the potential for negativity – yes, trolls exist. But the reality is that a calculated and consistent social media strategy can do wonders for your business.

Social media platforms have been a part of our lives for many years, continually growing in importance. It is a vital tool for businesses, allowing them to connect and interact with their audiences like never before. How often do you get to walk into your client’s living room whilst they’re eating their dinner and tell them more about what you do? Well you can with social media.

As an entrepreneur and property investor, my journey to social media was born out of necessity. I knew that successful entrepreneurship was less about what you know and more about who knows you. This awareness drove me to overcome my fears and reservations about establishing a public social media presence. Yes, that’s right, once upon a time I was nervous too – I wasn’t always tik-toking in-between meetings.

It’s easy to find excuses not to get involved – ‘I’m too busy’, ‘I’m too private’ – but in reality, these challenges can be opportunities for growth. My active life, full of my kids, hobbies, business, became a trove of content that my audience found relatable and engaging. Social media provides a platform where the human side of a business can be showcased and I knew straight away I had to make the most of it. Being transparent and authentic in this way builds trust and rapport, helping to grow your customer base.

For me, the power of social media lies in its reach. Picture a concert, filled with 80,000 people, all tuned in to one person. Imagine if you could command such a crowd for your business pitch. That’s the potential of social media – a free stage with an expansive, global audience that can generate a ripple effect for your business.

Embracing social media isn’t only about establishing your presence, it also involves the dare I say it… art of conversation. This may be daunting to someone that’s normally introverted, or shy. Still, I promise you that social media accommodates all personalities. My initial journey consisted of writing posts, sharing about my experiences as a business owner, without photos or videos. Gradually, I included images, and eventually, videos. Today, my morning run videos have become a daily ritual.

My advice is don’t get fixated on growing your follower count, but focus on fostering genuine connections and building contacts who can eventually become your customers. Make sure you are responsive – ignoring comments or messages can be more damaging than not being on social media at all.

Remember, you don’t have to be an expert to start. The key is consistency. Create a dedicated space in your weekly agenda for social media. Plan your strategies, track your progress and adjust as required. The goal is to be proactive rather than reactive.

Finally, it’s not just about posting content; it’s about being social on social media. Engage with your audience, inspire them, educate them, entertain them. Show them the face behind the brand. In the end, it’s the human connection that truly sets your business apart. I love it when I meet someone in real-life for the first time and they say “Oh, I follow you on LinkedIn!”

As the world becomes more online, remember: if you don’t shout about your business, no one else will. Social media, when used effectively, can be a game-changer for property investors and businesses. Embrace it, learn with it, and watch your business grow.

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